
This tutorial will take you through the steps for running Kronicle locally and getting its features working.


The following software is needed to follow this tutorial:

  1. Git
  2. Docker Desktop

Running Kronicle

Here are the steps to run Kronicle locally:

$ git clone https://github.com/kronicle-tech/kronicle-docker-compose.git
$ cd kronicle-docker-compose
# Start the `docker-app` and `docker-service` Docker containers.
$ docker-compose up -d

It will take a few seconds before the two containers have fully started. Once they have started, open the following URL in your browser:


Adding a kronicle.yaml metadata file to a GitRepo

Open https://github.com/kronicle-tech/kronicle-metadata-repo-template in a browser. Click the Use this template button in the top right to create a new repo based on the template.

Point kronicle-service at the new repo

Edit the /kronicle.yaml file in your clone of the kronicle-docker-compose repo. Replace this line:


with this line:


Restart docker compose:

$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose up -d

Once the Kronicle containers have started, open http://localhost:3000/all-components in a browser. The webpage should show the example-component and example-detailed-component components from the kronicle.yaml file in your new repo.

If you make changes to that kronicle.yaml file and commit them to the main branch, those changes should show up in the Kronicle UI within the next 15 minutes.

Next steps

See the Plugins page for a list of the plugins that Kronicle supports. Plugins are enabled and configured by passing environment variables to the kronicle-service container. See the docker-compose.yaml file in your local clone of the kronicle-docker-compose repo to see what environment variables are already passed to the kronicle-service container.

Try finding a Kronicle plugin that looks interesting and try enabling and configuring it.