
Configuring Kronicle via environment variables.

Kronicle is deployed as two Docker containers: This page describes the supported environment variables. The

  1. kronicle-app
  2. kronicle-service

Config is passed to both containers via environment variables.

Kronicle App Config

The kronicle-app container hosts Kronicle’s web UI. It is configured via these environment variables:

Example configuration

# Connect `kronicle-app` container to `kronicle-service` container
# Configure intro section on Kronicle UI home page
INTRO_TITLE=Example Company
INTRO_MARKDOWN=Welcome to Example Company's Kronicle instance
# Plausible analytics integration

Mandatory environment variables


Sets the base URL that the kronicle-app container should use to connect to the HTTP port on the kronicle-service container.

Optional environment variables

INTRO_TITLE=Example Company

Kronicle App’s home page has an intro section. This controls the title to show for that section

INTRO_MARKDOWN=Welcome to Example Company's Kronicle instance

This controls the main text to show in the intro section on Kronicle App’s home page. It supports full GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax, meaning formatting, hyperlinks, bullet point lists, tables etc. are all supported


Enables an integration with for web analytics. Plausible is a privacy centric, cookieless, low cost web analytics SaaS offering.

When the Plausible integration is enabled, this configures the domain name that web traffic will be associated with in Plausible.

Kronicle Service Config

Kronicle’s backend service has a plugin based architecture. See the individual pages for Kronicle’s plugins for the environment variables each plugin supports.